Looking to add candidates from a job into a candidate review? You're in the right place! This article will cover how you can add candidates to a candidate review from a job, using a common workaround.
Step 1: Create a blank Webinar event
Create a webinar event by selecting "Add Event" from your events page:
Select "Outreach Event" and then click Create Event:
Then select "Webinar" and click Create Event:
Fill out all required information in the event, you can set the event date and registration deadlines to be at any time.
Make sure all emails are turned off:
Step 2: Download the blank candidate template
Once you create the event, select "Manually Add Candidates":
Next, select "Download Template", you will need this later!
Step 3: Export your candidates
Navigate to your candidates page. Here, apply a filter that will show only candidates in the job you wish to export candidates from. Feel free to also add a date range to see candidates that applied only between specific dates:
Hint: select "Save As" and name this filter so that you can access it easily in the future
Select "Apply Filters" to see all candidates that are in this job.
Choose the top check box to select all available candidates:
From the export options dropdown, select "Export Selected Candidates .csv":
Next, open this export.
Step 4: Copying candidates into your Template
From your candidates export, select the candidates' first names, last names, and email addresses and copy them:
Paste this information into the template you downloaded in Step 2:
Download this template!
Step 5: Uploading your template to your Webinar
Open up the webinar event you created to upload candidates, select "Manually Add Candidates" and upload the template that has the candidate's information in it.
Select "No" when prompted to request missing information:
Now, you're ready to pull these candidates into your candidate review!
Step 6: Adding candidates to your Candidate Review
Now, create your candidate review and select the upload event you just created:
Congratulations, you did it! For a more in-depth article on creating candidate review, click here.