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Interview Scheduling - Employers: Viewing Schedules, Feedback, and the Live Dashboard
Interview Scheduling - Employers: Viewing Schedules, Feedback, and the Live Dashboard

For paying employers, how to view schedules, edit emails, and use the live dashboard for your Interview Scheduling event.

Ella Gross avatar
Written by Ella Gross
Updated over 10 months ago

As a paying customer of Flo Recruit, there are many additional things you can do while attending an interview scheduling event. If you are a non-paying customer and are interested in any of these features, please book a demo with us!

Feedback and Follow-Up Emails

If you are a paying Flo Recruit customer, you have the option to send automated emails to follow-up with candidates, as well as collect feedback from your interviewers about candidates they met with.

To edit these emails, select "Edit Feedback":

First, you can turn on and edit the Follow-Up email to send to candidates. You can customize the "Reply to" person, BCC, CC, the subject, and body of the email. You can also decide at which time the email will go out to candidates:

Next, you can turn on and edit feedback settings. The email including the feedback link will go out to your interviewers after the event has completed. You can also turn the member feedback reminder on to send additional reminders to members that have not yet submitted feedback for the event. In order for this setting to save, you must add at least one feedback question. You can also reorder the way that feedback questions are presented by selecting and dragging the four dots to the left of the question:

Once your emails have been created, you can view them by navigating to "Automated Emails" tab:

Live Dashboard

If you're a paying customer, you can also view and export the live dashboard of the event. Select the "Live Dashboard" button to view your interviews in the event:

Note: This view will only show your personal organization's interviews, not the entire event

Use this view to monitor your event or view all of your interviewer's schedules in one place. During the event, green circles will show up next to the names of the interviewers and candidates that are actively interviewing. Check out this article for more on the live dashboard.

The day after your event, you will be able to export a spreadsheet of the Live Dashboard. This will contain a list of the interviewers' and candidates' names, their contact info, the duration, in minutes, of the meeting, whether or not an evaluation was submitted and at what time, and the candidate phone number. This can be a handy way to determine if a meeting ended sooner than it was supposed to. Note that external meetings will not have any info on the duration as interviews that take place outside of Flo cannot be tracked. You can export the live dashboard by selecting the download icon in the top righthand corner of the table:

This is what the export will look like:

Attendee Information

By selecting the "Attendee Information" tab, you can view your interviewers and candidates' schedules in another way:

You can view schedules by members and by candidates. You can also copy the candidate or member's interview link by selecting the three dots next to their name, and copying the link.

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