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Late Registrations FAQ

Our most frequently asked questions about late registrations for Interview Scheduling events!

Ella Gross avatar
Written by Ella Gross
Updated over 10 months ago

PRE-SELECT Interview Scheduling Late Registration FAQ’s:



  1. How can I add an employer to the event if they did not register before the Registration deadline?

    1. Once the Registration deadline has passed, you will need to register the employer with the "Add Late Registrations" process. The employer needs to confirm registration and provide their information to complete the registration process. Late registered employers are not able to create and submit new jobs themselves. You will be required to submit new jobs on behalf of the employer. After you approve the employers new jobs and assign them to timeblocks, the jobs will be visible to students.

    2. NOTE: New employers CANNOT be registered to the event after the Scheduler has been run and confirmed.



  1. How can I add a student to interview schedules if they did not register before the Application deadline?

    1. Once the Application deadline has passed, you will need to register the student using the "Add Late Registrations" process. The student needs to confirm registration and provide their information (class year, etc.) before they can see jobs they’re eligible for. Late registered students are not able to submit applications and will not be automatically assigned to time slots when running the Scheduler. However, you can manually add the student to an interview time from the Edit Schedules page after the Scheduler has been run and confirmed. Students will still be able to review their time slots and accept interviews (i.e. upload their required documents, etc.).



  1. Will interviewers and students be notified of any changes I make to the schedule?

    1. Yes, but only if you select one of the automatic settings for the emails and if that time frame has passed. For example, if the emails are set to go out 24 hours in advance and it is less than 24 hours out, attendees will receive automated updates. Changes will be clearly indicated in red text. If you do not have the final schedule email set to automatically send, you can manually send an email to notify of any changes to the final schedule.

LOTTERY Interview Scheduling Late Registration FAQ’s:



  1. How can I add an employer to the event if they did not register before the Registration deadline?

    1. Once the Registration deadline has passed, you will need to register the employer with the "Add Late Registration" process. The employer needs to confirm registration and provide their information to complete the process. Late registered employers are not able to create and submit new jobs themselves. You will be required to submit new jobs on behalf of the employer. After you approve the employers new jobs and assign them to timeblocks, the jobs will be visible to students. NOTE: New employers CANNOT be registered to the event after the Lottery has been run and confirmed.



  1. How can I add a student to interview schedules if they did not register before the bidding deadline?

    1. Once the bidding deadline has passed, you will need to register the student using the "Add Late Registration" process. The student needs to confirm registration and provide their information (class year, etc.) before they can see jobs they’re eligible for. Late registered students are not able to submit bids and will not be automatically assigned to time slots when running the Lottery. However, you can manually add the student to an interview time slot from the Edit Schedule page after the Lottery has been run and confirmed. Students will still be able to review their time slots and take further actions (i.e. upload their required documents, etc.).

    2. Self-Schedule & Cancellation Periods:

      1. If the periods have NOT ended - students will be able to claim interview slots and modify their schedules themselves without needing your assistance.

      2. If the periods have ENDED - students will NOT be able to modify their schedules. You will need to modify the students schedule and manually add them to interviews.



  1. Will interviewers and students be notified of any changes I make to the schedule?

    1. Yes, but only if you select one of the automatic settings for the emails and if that time frame has passed. For example, if the emails are set to go out 24 hours in advance and it is less than 24 hours out, attendees will receive automated updates. Changes will be clearly indicated in red text. If you do not have the final schedule email set to automatically send, you can manually send an email to notify of any changes to the final schedule.

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