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Candidate Exports

How to export candidate information in different ways to achieve different outcomes!

Ella Gross avatar
Written by Ella Gross
Updated over 7 months ago

Looking for a deep-dive into exporting candidate information and materials? You're in the right place!

All options for exporting candidate data are located within the "Export Options" dropdown menu on your candidate's tab. It is worth noting that the appearance of these options will differ slightly depending on whether or not you have our ATS package.

This article will cover instructions for both ATS and non-ATS customers. Among the array of exports available, we'll focus primarily on two options: the "Export Selected Candidates .csv" and the "Export Bulk PDF" options.

ATS Customers

Filtering Candidates

This section is a brief overview on how to filter candidates before pulling an export. For a more in-depth guide, click here.

In order to narrow down your list of candidates so that you can pull exports from a selected group, you'll first need to utilize the filters on your candidate's tab. Note that you can also search for and select these candidates individually. Your filters are located in the top righthand corner of your candidate's page:

Selecting this button will open up a modal where you can add a filter by selecting the

"+ Add Filter" button:

This will allow you to add in filters to narrow down the candidates that appear. There are multiple options that you can select to filter your candidates by, such as candidate jobs, candidate last activity date, job status, candidate events, and much more.

For example, in order to pull a list of candidates that registered for an event with you, select "Candidate Events" in the first box, "Equals" in the second box, and the event name in the third:

You can also add multiple filters on top of one another to further narrow down your candidate list. Building on the above example, if you enabled check in for this event, you can add a second filter to show only candidates that attended the event:

After applying this filter, your candidates tab will now only show candidates that fit this description.

You must select at least one of the candidates from your candidates page in order to pull exports. Use individual check boxes to accomplish this or select the check box at the top of the list to select all candidates that are shown. Once selected, the export options dropdown will become active.

Export Selected Candidates .csv

This export option will pull your selected candidates into a spreadsheet including their names, email addresses, answers to qualifying questions, and candidate event activity.

Once you have selected one or more candidates, the "Export Options" dropdown will become active. Select this button, and choose "Export Selected Candidates .csv".

This export is located at the bottom of the export options list:

This will automatically download this .csv file onto your device.

Bulk PDF Export

This export will pull the selected candidates into a Bulk PDF file, containing their basic information including qualifying questions, their feedback from an event if you choose to include it, and all uploaded documents.

To pull this export, select "Bulk PDF Export" from the export options dropdown:

This will open up a second modal where you will have more ability to customize your export. If you wish to include feedback, you must search for and select the event you want to pull this feedback from:

After searching for this event, you can select whether you want to include feedback by selecting the checkbox next to "Include Feedback". You can also select whether or not you want to include other items such as parts of the candidate profile, and candidate documents. Once you are finished customizing your export, select the "Export" button. This will pull up this note, letting you know that you will receive the export over email:

Export Table

This export will pull the entire table into a .csv spreadsheet including the options you select from the Column Management tool.

To pull this export, select "Export Table (.csv)" from the export options dropdown:

Candidates Page - Column Management Options

To manage the columns that will be exported in your table, click on the column management icon which lists the following options:

  • Candidate Info: Name, Law School

  • Candidate Activities: Activity (jobs and/or events), Status

  • Job Application: Date applied, process year, position status (open/closed), department(s), office(s), position type(s), hiring lead(s)

  • Internal Fields: You can create and customize these within the account Settings page. This information would be entered manually by your team and it would not be visible to the candidate.

  • Qualifying Questions: These questions are asked during networking and interview event registration. You can create and customize these within the account Settings page.

Candidates Jobs Export

To export a .csv file that includes your selected candidates' information, you can use the Candidate Jobs Export.

Specifically, this export includes first names, last names, email addresses, LinkedIns, job titles, job statuses, dates applied, agency names, agency contacts, candidate application sources, events registered, application questions (separated into different columns), qualifying questions (separated into different columns), education histories and work histories in alternating columns.

To pull this export, select "Candidate Jobs Export" from the export options dropdown:

Note: If there are multiple entries for education history and work history, multiple columns will be created.

Note: If the candidate has applied to multiple jobs, a new row will be created for each application

Note: If there are multiple entries for education history and work history, multiple columns will be created.

Candidate Evaluations Export

The Candidate Evaluations Export will email you a .csv spreadsheet including the selected candidate's first name, last name, email address, event that the feedback was given for, event date, event type, interview date, member, member email, and each feedback question separated into columns.

This is a great example of an export that it would be helpful to use filters on. Feel free to add filters to narrow down your candidate list to include only candidates in a specific job or event. However, it is important to note that you will get all feedback left for this candidate in this export. For example, if you are filtering by an OCI event to see all candidates that attended that event with you, but some of the candidates also received feedback for another event, the export will include feedback from both events.

Note: This export will only include the candidates who actually have feedback on file. Meaning, if you try to export feedback for a candidate with no existing evaluations, they will not be included in the spreadsheet.

Export (Document)

Any of the exports that include a document name such as the Export Selected Event Resumes will be a .zip file including the specific documents. Within the .zip, these files will be individual PDFs labeled as the candidate’s email address.

Candidates Self-ID Export

The Candidates Self ID Export is a .csv spreadsheet including: candidate first name, last name, email address, LinkedIn, job title, job status, date applied, agency name, agency contact, application source, events registered, application questions (separated into different columns), qualifying questions (separated into different columns), self ID questions (separated into different columns), education history and work history in alternating columns.

Note: If there are multiple entries for education history and work history, multiple columns will be created.

Note: If the candidate has applied to multiple jobs, a new row will be created for each application

Export Candidate Admin Notes (.csv)

This export is a .csv spreadsheet that includes candidate first name, last name, admin first name, last name, date of note, and the contents of note.

Export Selected Candidate Comments (.csv)

This export is a .csv spreadsheet including: candidate first name, last name, email, LinkedIn, resume in system (yes/no), qualifying questions (separated into different columns), feedback label, feedback type (i.e. rating, free text, etc.), rating answer, yes/no answer, single select answer, multi select answer, comments enabled (yes/no), comment, member full name, member email, event that the feedback was given for, comment time

Note: Unlike the Evaluations Export, this export will include all selected candidates, not just those who actually have feedback on file. Meaning, if feedback does not exist, some columns might be blank.

Non-ATS Customers

Filtering Candidates

In order to narrow down your list of candidates so that you can pull exports from a selected group, you'll first need to utilize the filters on your candidate's tab. Note that you can also search for and select these candidates individually. Your filters are located in the top righthand corner of your candidate's page:

Selecting any of these options will allow you to narrow down your search results. For example, if I want to pull a list of candidates that attended my event, I can select "Events" and then search for the event I want to filter by in the righthand modal:

Select the check box next to the event that you'd like to filter by.

You also have the ability to filter even further, for certain events. If you used either the invite only feature or the check-in feature for this event, the event will show a dropdown arrow next to the event name, as shown above. Selecting this dropdown will allow for more options:

Once you have applied your filters, select the "Filter" button at the bottom of the page. After applying this filter, your candidates tab will now only show candidates that fit this description.

You must select at least one of the candidates in order to pull exports from this list. Use the check boxes to accomplish this or select the check box at the top of the list to select all candidates that are shown.

Export Selected Candidates .csv

This export option will pull the list of candidates into a spreadsheet including their names, email addresses, answers to qualifying questions, and candidate event activity.

Once you have selected one or more candidates, the "Export Options" dropdown will become active:

Select this button, and choose "Export Selected Candidates .csv". This export is located at the bottom of the export options list:

This will automatically download this .csv file onto your device.

Export Bulk PDF

This export will pull the selected candidates into a Bulk PDF file, containing their basic information including qualifying questions, their feedback from an event if you choose to include it, and all uploaded documents.

To pull this export, select "Bulk PDF Export" from the export options dropdown:

This will open up a second modal where you will have more ability to customize your export. If you wish to include feedback, you must search the event you want to pull this feedback from in the search bar:

After searching for this event, you can select whether you want to include feedback by selecting the checkbox next to "Include Feedback". You can also select whether or not you want to include other items such as parts of the candidate profile, and candidate documents. Once you are finished customizing your export, select the "Export" button. This will pull up this note, letting you know that you will receive the export over email:

The remainder of the exports available follow the same process for you as it does for ATS customers. Refer to the guides above for more information. Happy exporting!

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