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Preview Program: Applying to Jobs
Ella Gross avatar
Written by Ella Gross
Updated over 6 months ago

Now that we have an understanding of how to access the event and the general layout, let's assume that it is now the Application Period and you are able to submit your materials.

First, find a job that you would like to apply for and click View Details.

Note: if you experience an error, try switching to Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

On the left hand side, you will be able to see that the interview will be virtual, as well as how many applications you are allowed to submit for this employer. Thus, if the limit is 1 and you are more interested in another job from this employer, be sure to take this into consideration:

The Job Information will provide you with the employer, location(s) and practice area(s) (if provided), a description, and the required documents:

Below, you will see the option to upload your documents when you are ready to do so. This will also indicate when the employer will be able to view the document:

Once you have uploaded all required documents, the Submit Application button becomes enabled:

You will need to confirm that you want to submit your application. As stated in the below screenshot, you will have up until the application period deadline to make any changes:

If you navigate back to the main event page, you will be able to see the status of your application:

Depending on how your school has set up the event, you may receive a notification once employer decisions are available to view. We will cover how to respond to these decisions in a later article.

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