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Lottery Setup, Step 3: Event Timeline

Step 3 in creating your Lottery Interview Scheduling event, creating the event timeline.

Ella Gross avatar
Written by Ella Gross
Updated over a week ago

In the past two articles, we covered creating your event and adding basic event details, as well as building out your schedule. In this article, we will go through the third step in the event creation process, setting up your event timeline.

Let's first breakdown the order of events that make up a Lottery event, and then begin matching these to steps in filling out your event timeline.

  1. The event is created by the University, and then shared with employers.

  2. Employers will register for the event and begin to post jobs up until the employer registration deadline.

  3. Students are invited to register for the event.

  4. If selected, students have a review period where they are able to see the posted jobs before placing bids on them.

  5. Students bid on jobs until the student bidding deadline.

  6. The University runs the lottery, matching students.

  7. The University reviews lottery results, has the option to re-run the lottery, and selects a set of results. The initial schedule is created, and the University can start making edits.

  8. The University shares these results with students who can cancel interviews if this setting has been turned on.

  9. If turned on, the self schedule period occurs.

  10. The final schedule goes out to all participating parties and the event is held!

The Timeline

The first section of the event timeline includes the employer registration dates.

The next section covers all of the dates and settings related to student bidding. The review period is optional. If you include a date in this section, students will be allowed a "review period" where they can view all posted jobs before they are able to begin placing bids on them. The max number of bids and max number of interviews drop-downs allow you pick the numerical limit of bids and interviews allowed for students.

Following the student bidding section is the optional student cancellation section. You can set this to "Included" if you would like this to be an option for students. Or, you can leave this section off if you do not wish to include the cancellation period. This period of time, if included, will come after the lottery has been run and after the lottery results have been shared with students. This gives students the option to cancel any of their scheduled interviews during this time frame.

The next section is the self-schedule. The opt-in period, like the student cancellation period, is optional. If turned on, students have the option to sign up for time slots that are open or unfilled, so that they can interview with employers:

The last section of the event timeline includes the schedule visibility options. These are the dates in which the final schedule will be available to both students and employers.

Once all of the required fields have been filled out, you have completed this section! The next article in this collection will include instructions on completing step 4, Employer Settings.

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