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Setup, Step 4: Employer Settings
Ella Gross avatar
Written by Ella Gross
Updated over a week ago

So far, we have decided on our Event Details, built out the Schedule, and input the Event Timeline. In this next step, we will decide on the Employer Settings. This is how we will control certain aspects of the employer's registration experience.

Employer Custom Questions

In the first section of this step, you can include questions that you want to ask employers:

By clicking on Edit Custom Questions, you will be taken to the following screen, where you can build out a bank of questions to pull from:

Here are some examples of the the types of questions you might ask:

Note that the answers to these questions are for your purposes and will not necessarily be shown to the students. When you create a new question, you can also decide what type of question it is, such as multi-select, date format, free text, and so on:

Once you click on Add Question from the Employer Settings page, you will be able to select from a drop-down menu. This pulls from your bank of Custom Questions. Note that you can also indicate if this question is required for employers to answer or not:

University Recruitment Policy

In the next section, you will have the option to include a recruitment policy:

Note that you can always opt to disable this field. Similar to the Custom Questions, by clicking on "Create Recruitment Policy," you will be taken to a separate page to customize this statement:

A nice feature of this field is that it has rich text functionality, meaning that you can bold, italicize, underline, create numbered or bulleted lists, and hyperlink:

Don't forget to Save Changes in order to fully enable the Recruitment Policy on the Employer Settings page:

You can always come back and edit this statement through the Employers Settings step or the Settings tab:

Supporting Documents

Here is where you are able to limit which types of documents an employer can request, as well as set rules for visibility:

If you do not see a particular document available in the default drop-down list, you can create a new one by simply typing it:

Employer R­e­g­i­s­t­r­a­t­i­o­n Settings

You are able to manage which event settings are made available to an employer using the toggles. Enabling a setting will allow an employer to define their p­r­e­f­e­r­e­n­c­e­s­, while disabling will notify employers that the setting is controlled by the university.

Note that the first field, however, will always be enabled as employers will need to provide the job information, at minimum:

The other fields are up to you to include or not. In the employer-specific articles for Pre-select, you will be able to see what this will look like from the employer's perspective. Below, you will find more detail on each of these settings:

  • Allow employer multiple choices of dates: If your event spans multiple dates, this will give employers the option to indicate which date is their top choice, second choice, and so on.

  • Allow employer to select preferred time: You may offer employers the option to choose whether they will conduct interviews for a full day, a half day (morning), or a half day (afternoon). Note that you will still need to create and assign the corresponding time block.

  • Allow employer to select multiple time blocks per schedule: This is a helpful setting to enable if the employer wishes to 1) interview for the same position over the course of multiple dates, 2) have multiple interview rooms with different interviewers for the same position, or 3) split their team of interviewers up across the day of interviews (i.e. Interviewer A conducts interviews in the morning and interviewer B conducts them in the afternoon).

  • Allow employer to set student interview options: This allows employers to give students the ability to apply to multiple positions of theirs.

  • Supply interviewer information: This allows employers to fill in their interviewer or interviewers' information. They can do this closer to the date of the event and you are also able to send them a reminder email to do so.

In the next article, we will discuss the final step of setting up your event: Emails!

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