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ATS: Creating and Editing Pipeline Templates
ATS: Creating and Editing Pipeline Templates
Kristin Payne avatar
Written by Kristin Payne
Updated over a year ago

Pipeline templates allow you to organize statuses based on a specific job type. You have already created a list of all of your statuses but they might not apply to every job. Creating pipeline templates allows you to pick which statuses you want available for a specific job and lets you create automated emails that are sent when a candidate is moved into a particular status.

This article also includes information on how to edit pipelines once they have been applied to a job.

Creating Pipelines

Step 1: Adding Statuses

Click Settings on the left panel of your account.

In the Job Settings section Click Pipeline Templates

You will need to decide how many pipeline templates you want, and what you want to call them. For example, you could have one called Lateral Hiring and another called Summer Associate Hiring.

Click Create New Pipeline Template and create the name of your Pipeline Template.

Next, you will go through each status bucket and add the statuses that you want available in each bucket for this job type.

When you click +Add Status in a bucket, you will then click the dropdown to select the status you want to add. The dropdown will only show the statuses that you entered in that bucket when creating all of your statuses.

You will repeat this process until you have selected all of the statuses you want available in each status bucket for this pipeline template.

You also have the ability to customize any details about extended offers including dates for the offer extended, offer expiration date, and offer affirmation date:

Step 2: Creating Emails

For each status added to the pipeline template, you will have the ability to create an automated email associated with it. Emails are not required for each status and are 100% customizable.

Click the blue Add Email link next to the status you want to create an email associated with.

The reply to dropdown will let you pick any of the account admins as the reply to email address. The subject and body are customizable and give you three variables to choose from to personalize the email.

You will always have the opportunity to edit the email when you move a candidate into a status that has an email associated with it.

Once you have created your pipeline in this step and added emails, you are done and ready to apply your pipeline to a job!

Editing Pipelines

Once you have applied your pipeline to a job or to multiple jobs, you still have the ability to make changes to the pipeline. To do so, navigate to your pipelines under your account settings and make your changes. Once these changes are made, you will see a button at the top of the page allowing you to update applied pipelines:

This dropdown gives you two options, you can either update all jobs that this pipeline has been applied to, or only update selected jobs:

If you choose to update selected jobs, you will have the ability to choose from a list of applied jobs:

If you wish to delete a status or bucket that candidates are currently occupying in any job, you will be prompted to choose a new status for these candidates to be moved to:

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