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Hybrid Interview Events (Part Two)
Kristin Payne avatar
Written by Kristin Payne
Updated over 2 years ago

Welcome to part two of creating Hybrid Interview Events! In part two you will learn how to create schedules, send the registration links to candidates, and how to assign Members to a time block.

Schedule Creator

The schedule creator allows you to easily create time blocks for your event. You will be able to set specifics for your time blocks based on if it is a virtual, in-person, or hybrid event.

Creating the schedule and building out the time blocks is a two-step process. The first is the New Time Block step.

With this step, you can select the date(s) for the time blocks, event type, and the timeslot set up.

Step two is the step to Define Time Block Settings.

This is where you will determine how many candidates can register for a specific time slot as well as when the registration deadline is.

Adding Additional Time Blocks

Click the Edit Schedules button.

On the Schedule Creator page, you will be able to add time blocks through the + Time Block button.

Once you Click the + Time Block button you will follow the two steps from the previous section, New Time Block and Define Time Block.

Sending Candidates the Registration Link

At the time your event is created a registration link will also be created. This is the link that you will send to candidates that will allow them to register themselves for interviews. Sending the link to candidates is not something that is done through Flo Recruit and requires you to email the link to students outside of Flo Recruit or use some other method to share it with them.

Assigning Interviewers

As candidates start registering for time blocks you will then see the ability to assign interviewers to their timeslots. Click +Assign Interviewers in one of the timeslots.

Next, you will Click into the Search Members box and will be able to select the member for that time slot. You will repeat this process until you have assigned an interviewer for each time slot.

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